00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Busy People Are Joining Champion Challenge To Become Strong, Motivated And Transform Their Bodies 

You Start 18th September.

Your Head Coach And Programme Director - Jason Suttie
Founder of ETK, 6 x World champion and K-1 New Zealand champion, Jason was trained by the best to be the best and will help you be YOUR best. 

Under his guidance, you are are bound to be successful.

He lives and breathes fight fitness and holistic well being, You can't help, but feel his passion. He is also one of only 5 certified Wim Hof Method Instructors in New Zealand.
Official Programme Partners:
DID YOU KNOW 67% of gym memberships fail?
Why is that? Because most gyms don’t offer personalised programmes designed specifically for you to reach your BIG fitness goals.

If you are reading this, congratulations. It means you are already on the way to taking control of your life with the ETK Champion Challenge.

By joining us you get to train like a fighter and I can personally guarantee you that it will empower you to live like a champion.

My name is Jason Suttie and I’ve been running Elite Thai Kickboxing for 23 years. Being a successful fight gym we know what it takes to unlock human potential.

At ETK world champs, first time fighters as well as those who never stepped into a ring, all come together to build the best versions of themselves. 

You will get stronger, you will get fitter and you will be more motivated with every session.

My team and I will be with you every step of the way. We’ve put together The Champion Challenge specifically to make sure you stay motivated and succeed. 

What if you could take control of your health and fitness and feel AMAZING in just 6 short weeks?

No more putting it off, no more “wishing” you could look and feel your best…

...Just a simple, clear action plan combined with high level accountability from a dedicated team.

Would you be interested?
It takes 6 weeks to see a difference 
21 days to form a new habit
1 moment to make a decision that will change everything 
Introducing ETK Champion Challenge:
We’ve condensed decades of top level competitive experience into just weeks of step by step transformational programme. It's designed specifically for you to achieve your goals with no compromise. 

(That means no more exhausting uphill struggles, low motivation, and failure in your workout routine).

We’ve helped hundreds of fighters and corporate clients to achieve their health and fitness goals once and for all, and we are excited to have the opportunity to work with you and help you to beacome a champion of YOUR life!

Right now, we’re on the lookout for our next BIG success story.
Do you have what it takes to step up and receive the high level coaching, support, and guidance you need to achieve your goals with ETK Champion Challenge?

When you work with us, you’ll have access to:
  • High level kickboxing and fitness coaching (choose from 23 group classes a week - NO ROOM FOR EXCUSES)
  • MyZone heart rate monitor kit + FREE tracking app
  • ​Meal plan, Nutrition Guide & shopping list
  • ​InBody Scan x2
  • ​Wim Hof Method® Guided Seminar 
  • ​The Edge Mindset And Goal Setting Workshop
  • ​x1 PT Skills Fundamentals Session 
  • ​Gloves and wraps
Because our program is completely results focused, you won’t find any unnecessary (or overwhelming) fluff and filler.

Instead, you’ll be part of a motivated group of go getters who have a track record for real results, so all you need to do is show up. And you will achieve the biggest transformation of your life… in just 6 Short Weeks.

Yes, really!

(Unfortunately, we do have bad news…)
We only accept enrolment for 30 NEW members in this program
(yes, just 30!)
So, if you’re serious about getting results, we highly encourage you to act NOW and book a gym walk through to reserve your spot. 

When you reserve your spot, you have NO obligation to pay a single cent, or to join the program at all.

But, it DOES reserve your limited-time spot, and give you the opportunity to prioritise your health and get in on this life-changing program. 

Sound good?
Although everyone's outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in the first 21 days are…
  • Lose Weight Without Counting Calories
  • Drop Inches From Your Entire Body
  • ​Rev up Your Metabolism to Burn Fat Faster
  • ​​Tight and Tone Your Body
  • ​​Feel Energised, Vibrant and Strong
  • ​​Firm Up The Muscles
  • ​Tone Your Shoulders, Back & Arms 
  • ​Ditch the Carb and Sugar Cravings
  • ​​Glow With Total CONFIDENCE 
  • ​Relieve stress and Lower Blood Pressure
  • ​Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity
If you want to receive the same hands-on coaching, support, and guidance you need to achieve your goals and fast-track your results ...

Then our ETK Champion Challenge could be exactly what you need to get there.
Imagine Waking Up In 6 Weeks Time To A New Body, High Energy, And A Champion Level Of Confidence
Celebration-Worthy Results From Some Of Our Members…

"I always feel better after a class"

Never thought I’d be into contact sport, not in a million years! And now I love kicking and punching so much, I’ll be going through my warrant of fitness for the fighters class soon. Who knows maybe one day I will even have a fight! Either way I love it here.

I was just looking for something to improve my fitness. Going to regular gym is too boring, so wanted to try something new and LOVED kickboxing. 

Now I actually look forward to training, always feel better after a class. No matter what is happening in your life, being here makes it better. 

- Camilla, 26

"Training at ETK takes it to another level"

While having maintained a high degree of fitness throughout my life, I can confirm that training at ETK takes it to another level.

Under Jason’s expert guidance, I have gained skills and techniques that have allowed me to successfully tick off a bucket list item - corporate fight, but still wanting to improve and learn more.

Jason is supported by a great training team, and the fantastic facilities and camaraderie amongst their clients makes for an awesome training environment.

- Brian, 59

"ETK is not only a gym, it’s a second family"

I have been training with Jason Suttie and the team at ETK since 2004, they have taken me from a fighter to multiple world champion (Thai-boxing), got me back in shape post-baby, helped me loose those extra pounds post lockdown and are now supporting me to achieve my goals in boxing. ETK is not only a gym, it’s a second family, with the right blend of support and tough love. So no matter where you are at in your fitness journey or what your goals are, with ETK your in the right place

- Michelle 'Pressure' Preston, 43 
Here’s Everything That’s Included In Your ETK Champion Challenge
High Level Kickboxing And Fitness Coaching (6 weeks ETK gym membership $259 value)
Kickboxing training is equally tough as it is fun! It is an enjoyable experience, but it’s also an intense one that will push you to your physical and mental limits. 

With over 23 guided classes  every week to choose from. You’ll easily fit the workouts into your busy schedule. Benefits of training with our high level coaches include: Increased range of motion, reduced stress, increased energy, improved fitness, and gained self confidence.
MyZone Heart Rate Monitor And  Free App ( $159 value)
You can't manage what you don't measure. MyZone is an industry leader in wearable fitness tracking. It displays real time heart rate, calories and intensity with five colour coded personalised zones and has a simple rewards-based metric called MEPs (Myzone Effort Points).

Opportunities to up your MEPs are everywhere. The Myzone app lets you track them – live. Get real-time feedback during exercise and save your workouts. Complete heart rate challenges, fitness tests and share your workouts with your connections.
Complete 6 Weeks Nutritional Meal Plan ($197 value)
Ever tried to "Out-Train'' a bad diet? Didn't work, did it? So we took out all the guesswork and provided you with what to eat, how much and how often.

Yes, this is one of the MAJOR components of this program. We all know it's about the diet (hate that word) but we are going to make sure you follow scientifically proven system that will still have you eating real food, and plenty of it.  Abs are made in the kitchen!!
Recipe Manual and Shopping List ($99 value)
Eating better doesn't have to be all about brown rice, broccoli, and water. That's why we included some of our FAVOURITE recipes that you'll absolutely love. You'll have REAL food that won't leave you feeling hungry.

Even after the program is over you'll want to continue with these delicious recipes.
Wim Hof Method® Seminar ($125 value)
You are stronger than you think. Come and enjoy the energy of a group breathing session and feel the support of the tribe in the ice bath during an in-person workshop.

Jason Suttie realised the benefits of WHM for his fighters to get an edge on the competition. He’ll guide you with the theory of how oxygen and cold put beneficial stresses on your body. Plus you’ll get hands on with breathing and cold therapy activity that will unleash your champion potential.
InBody Scan x2 ($70 value)
Let's get evidence of your progress and success.

Get an accurate look at your weight in terms of muscle, fat and water with our non-invasive, quick, and accurate body composition analysis. 

You’ll get a before and after scan with a simple clear interpretation of what each metric means as it relates to your personal fitness goals.
Honestly? That’s a LOT of value packed into one 6 weeks program…

And right now, we are not asking you to pay a single $ to reserve your spot.

In fact, this is a completely risk-free decision, because once you reserve your spot you are not under ANY obligation to join the program.

You choose the time to stop by the gym, we chat about your goals and see if you’re a good fit (and if you want to keep going). If not, no problem - we’ll simply open up your spot to someone else.

(That said, once spots are filled up, you’ve lost your chance for 2022, so if you are even just a LITTLE bit interested, I encourage you to act now!)

YES! I’m Ready To Train Like A Fighter And Live Like A Champion!

You don’t pay a single cent when you register today. 
Plus, When You Reserve Your Spot Today...
You Also Qualify For The Following BONUSES!
BONUS #1: The Edge Mindset And Goal Setting Workshop ($95 Value)
Learn from x6 times world champ - Jason 'Psycho' Suttie himself. He will help you define the goals for the challenge and tune up your mindset. 

Discovering your why is essential to help you self motivate, accomplish goals, and live a purposeful life. 
BONUS #2: Private PT Session ($60 Value)
Feel confident walking into your first group kick boxing class as you already drill fundamental during your personal raining session with Preston. 
BONUS #3: ETK Champion Training T-Shirt ($47 Value)
Feel part of the team and keep this high quality training top as a momento of that first step you took to gain control of your life.


You don’t pay a single cent when you register today. 
You Really Only Have 3 Options...
You could leave this page and go back to feeling uncomfortable, unhappy and unmotivated… knowing there was a program that could have changed your life.
You could buy another gym membership or another cookie-cutter program and hope it gets you results, but statistically, it’s really unlikely you’ll find a real winner.
You can decide right now to make 2022 your BEST year yet and crush your health and fitness goals once and for all! 
The Choice Is Yours…


Don’t Pay A Single Cent When You Reserve Your Spot Today!
  • ​High Level Kickboxing And Fitness Coaching - 6 weeks ETK gym membership (value $240)
  • ​MyZone Heart Rate Monitor And Free App ( $159 value)
  • ​Complete 6 Weeks Nutritional Meal Plan ($197 value)
  • ​Recipe Manual & Shopping List ($99 value)
  •  Wim Hof Method® Seminar ($125 value)
  • BONUS #1: The Edge MindSet And Goal Setting Workshop ($95 Value)
  • ​​BONUS #2: Private PT Session ($60 Value)
  • BONUS #3: ETK Champion Training T-Shirt ($47 Value)
If you are serious about making a big change before the end of THIS year, I encourage you to act TODAY and reserve your spot.

We’re only accepting 30 new enrolments and I would absolutely HATE for you to miss out and regret it down the line.

The program starts on 18th of September, so if you want to make 2022 your best year yet, you need to make sure you’re reserving your spot today.

Committed to your health and fitness,

Elite Thai Kickboxing, Ellerslie, Auckland
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